between warm colors and lights

The glamorous atmospheres, the elegance of the spaces and a refined cuisine are the ingredients that distinguish Lavinia Bianchi. But there are times of the year more magical to make your wishes come true. Christmas is certainly one of them.

Getting married during the Christmas season has always had a special charm: for the air full of emotions, for the approaching of a new year full of dreams and good intentions, for the desire to reunite with those you love. Getting married during Christmas time has an attraction that is difficult to explain, but which is always exciting to experience.
Getting married at Christmas is a special choice, full of beauty and poetry, ideal for those who love romance and warm atmospheres.
Christmas brings with it the values of family and love, so getting married in this season becomes a magical and evocative day to live, both for the couple and for the guests who share those emotions.
Do you love this? Write to us and find out what we have thought for a magical wedding during the Christmas season.

Magic summer

Lavinia Eventi s.r.l.
Vicinale Farucci s.n - Trani
TEL.: +39 0883 508925
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P.iva: 08667310729