Everything you don't know you want yet

Lavinia Bianchi is ideal for those who are looking for elegance and glamour to create a dream event. The interior spaces follow modern lines with furnishings that respond to a contemporary and trendy taste for a chic environment where your desires can be realized.
We are waiting to discover it together, every day.

Lavinia Bianchi will amaze you at the entrance with the magnitude of the interiors and furnishings that respond to the modern taste of current design. The majesty of the room makes it perfect also for weddings with a lot of guests, thanks to large spaces and a welcoming atmosphere.  

From the chairs with sinuous lines to the contemporary tablecloths, every detail is carefully chosen and nothing is left to chance. The living area in the hall, with a modern and refined design, allows your guests to relax in a more intimate atmosphere during the reception.

The Garden of Magnolias

Lavinia Eventi s.r.l.
Vicinale Farucci s.n - Trani
TEL.: +39 0883 508925
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P.iva: 08667310729