Colors and heady scents

The feeling you perceive crossing the magnolia garden is to enter into a suggestive reality where you will be fascinated by the colors and scents. The garden is combined with a chic and elegant living area, furnished according to a refined design style, which follows the trends of the moment.

The glass bridge that rises over the water is the ideal place generally chosen by our newlyweds to celebrate the unique moment of cutting the cake. The suggestive atmosphere created in the garden of magnolias, thanks to the floral arrangements and the delightful use of lights and candles, is perfect for experiencing the thrill of cutting the cake, the seal of a new beginning of life together.

the crystal garden

Lavinia Eventi s.r.l.
Vicinale Farucci s.n - Trani
TEL.: +39 0883 508925
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P.iva: 08667310729